Archive for the 'Politics' Category



Last night I watched Michael Moore’s “Farenheit 9/11” for the second time. The only advantage of getting older is that I forget many details of films, so I can almost enjoy it like the first viewing. Well, I wouldn’t say I enjoyed this film. And I do remember not enjoying it the first time. It was very upsetting.

After a sleepless night, I decided to do a little research and fact checking as much as is available. According to the Chicago Tribune,, the facts are pretty accurate.

According to a report by David Kopel, whom I mistook for Ted Koppel, this morning…(another sign of aging), thinking it was valid, wasting my time, as he shows some alleged deceits in the film.

I proceeded to read many more Moore dissecting fact reviews. Even FOX! Sure, Michael took a few dramatic liberties, but the FACTS about the reasons we went to war in Iraq, being based on lies, cannot be disputed.

The fact that we were attacked after being warned, cannot be disputed.

The fact that Halliburton profiting greatly by war, and having a major connection to Dick Cheney, cannot be disputed.

The fact that there were no weapons of mass distraction, yet the Bush Administration stated they had 100% proof that Iraq had them, cannot be disputed.

The fact that many innocent people, children, women, men, were “the price of war,” cannot be disputed.

The footage of the carnage in the film cannot be disputed.

I had to cover my eyes, but too late. I broke down and cried during the film. Little children with their faces being stitched up, screaming. Dead children in the back of a truck. Dead soldiers scorched and displayed. Showing a beheading from a far.


I was angry. Angry at the Bush Administration. Yes, I do not trust what their intentions were. For that matter, I do not trust The Obama Administration for remaining at war. Last night I posted on Facebook “I’m watching “Farenheit 9/11. Haven’t seen it since it opened. I am crying. Bush Administration was pure evil and greed.” And of course that caused the Conservatives to chime in and call bullshit on the film.

The bottom no bullshit line is, we had no reason to attack Iraq. Yet we did. Ya know, I actually don’t like using the word, “we”. We, the people, didn’t decide to attack, the President and his cronies did. Why don’t we the people get a vote when it comes to going to war?

And to clarify, I love my country. I hate war. I support our soldiers coming home safely, and wish them no harm. But I also wish no harm to innocent bystanders in any part of the world.

I am disgusted with the latest horrifying beheading of an American journalist, James Foley, at the hand of ISIS. I cannot bring myself to watch the film. My heart goes out to his family.

My heart also goes out to all of those suffering in Iraq, and Africa, and wherever. And closer to home, the victims and families of 9/11.

Everly life and death is of equal value. (Accept for Bin Ladin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, and anyone who dropped THE BOMB on innocent people. hehem.)

What bothers me, is that I think many Americans generalize the deaths in other countries. “Price of War”…”Nuke ’em”.

And if some country came over here and bombed us, killing our relatives, we’d be pretty pissed. Oh yeah, that did happen, but it wasn’t a country, it was a few individual assholes. It wasn’t Iraq. It wasn’t Afghanistan. It wasn’t Saudi Arabia, although the majority of the hijackers were Saudis.

And now the newest assholes are ISIS. Ironically, allegedly trained by the U.S. Government! (Speaking of assholes), WHAT THE FUCK?

What do we do? This country loves war. But I don’t. And I know lots of other folks that don’t. Can’t we just take out the assholes?

And although a lot of people think Michael Moore is an asshole, I would like to invite him to be a member of my very own little, non-violent organization, IBIS. (Integrity, Balls, and Intelligence Society.) I think he is a brave motherfucker. I just read his book, “Here Comes Trouble”. Did you know that he had numerous death threats after he made his acceptance speech at the Oscars for “Bowling for Columbine?” He made the dreadful mistake of saying, “Shame on you Mr. Bush.”

After seeing Fahrenheit 9/11 again, having insomnia as a result of watching, and fact checking, as best I could, I can’t disagree with Michael Moore’s statement. And I hope our country figures out a way to take out these monsters in Iraq, without harming the innocent people of Iraq, and our troops.

But what is more impossible to ask? What the fuck is the real story?




Would you let your kid go to Kenya right now? Rutgers is.

Rutgers University, (the same institution that paid Snooki $32,000 dollars to speak to their students) is about to send 6 of their students to Kenya at the end of this week, for a one month mission.

Now, an important fact about the Snooki deal, is that a student committee made that decision. Which to me proves that at the ripe average age of a college student, well, they are not old enough to make some decisions. (Although, ultimately, Rutgers allowed $32 Grand to go to the awe-inspiring Snooki.)


And I have nothing against Snooki, however, as an inspirational speaker at a University? Negative.

And I have nothing against Snooki, however, as an inspirational speaker at a University? Negative.


In the case of the trip to Kenya, Rutgers is responsible for making the decision, whether to cancel or not.

 According to the State Department, who always scares the shit out of anyone traveling anywhere…Kenya is on the top of their list, as an orange alert, to not go there. England also has the same warning. (Hence, I have used orange script! How cute.)

 According to the mother of one of the students going, Mrs. Teja Anderson, she spoke to a friend, who happens to be a U.S. Senator. His response, when she informed him of her son’s plans?

 “It’s like the Wild Wild West there. You are crazy to send your kids! Riding in a van on a two lane road for eight hours is insane. It’s on alert for a no fly list country for us!”

 Just TODAY, The Washington Post released this article on the latest bombing in Nairobi, that killed 10, and injured 70, “in the string of the recently increased terror attacks.”

 And this photo was released in an article from May 16th, 2014, warning folks not to travel to Kenya.


Should Teja pull "The Mommy Card?"

Should Teja pull “The Mommy Card?”

 Within this article, from a foreign media source, I am displaying this particular section for it’s relevance to Mom’s difficult decision to make:

Travel companies flyng out tourists

Just hours before the two attacks on Gikomba Market, British travel companies flew out some 300 tourists after the British governement had issued renewed warnings of possible terrorist attacks in Kenya.
“I’m very sad. We don’t feel threatened. I think everybody is overreacting. We wanted to stay for our holidays,” one tourist told DW while she was checking in for her flight to London.
She was one of approximately 300 tourists who had left their hotels in a convoy of buses, guarded by heavily-armed members of Kenya’s elite paramilitary unit GSU. On Thursday, some 300 tourists had already left the country on chartered aircraft.

So what would you do if it was your child about to leave for a month to Kenya?

I spoke with Teja Anderson this morning, after reading a post she put on Facebook, struggling whether to pull her son out, or not.
All of the students are traveling with Engineers Without Borders. (EWB). They are building two rain water catch basins and water filtration systems for a couple of schools. (I am not going to mention specifically where they are going as a precaution not to alert any bad guys.) There will also be two professional engineers traveling with the group.
As of now, the locals carry the water to school by hand. Her son’s role is to take care of any immediate medical emergencies…of the Rutgers’ group.
They will stay in a nearby city and commute every day to the village, by private van. It’s about 30 minutes to an hour away.
“He’s the only one trained in CPR, first aid, and knows how to use a defibrillator. He’s there to tend to any cuts, or minor injuries.”
Ummm, my first red flag. Is Rutgers giving that medical responsiblity to a nineteen year old?!
I’m not insinuating that her son is not well-trained, or irresponsible in the least, but they are solely relying on his experience to take care of the students in the field? There is no back up plan? What if there is a real emergency?  (Although that is the case with anyone traveling anywhere.)
But that’s number one of…fifty. Then there is always the possibility that their private driver told someone about the trip of U.S. students. That someone could tip-off sickos that can profit from their kidnapping, which has been reported as an increasing activity, along with the increased terror attacks in Nairobi, where the trip begins. Then of course, it is most likely that NOTHING will happen….
Anderson, understandably panicked, has called the Dean’s office and other decision makers, only to receive one returned phone call from a female Dean, who understands her concerns, but the trip is still a go.
She also spoke with one of the professional engineers that is going. That person has been corresponding with ISOS. They have allegedly advised no concerns, because these bombings have been in the very poor sections of Kenya.  (Yeah, that narrows it down, Linda says like Rodney Dangerfield.)
Anderson has personally paid for her son’s airfare, and shots. (The shots are supposed to be reimbursed in Africa.)
But screw the expense….is this trip potentially a huge risk?
I was in Kenya a couple of years ago. We landed in Nairobi, spent the night in a high-end hotel, and then took a small craft to various Safari areas. When we did travel by mini-van from A to B, we never did at night, except once, and it was a little nerve-racking day and night, but I would do it again….in the day light.
But would I go now? Ummm, I think I would wait until things cool down. 
That being said, I think Rutgers should wait until things cool down.
I have empathy for the locals who must carry their water to school, but they’ve been doing it, historically, and can wait, too.
This coming Monday, there is a meeting scheduled with Rutgers, the students going, and the parents, to voice their concerns and make a decision.
To put it in perspective, there are many exchange students from Europe who have cancelled their stays in the U.S. because of gun shootings in schools here. They see the News, it scares the shit out of them, and they think it’s nuts to send their kids here!
Our reaction? Oh, that is a rare thing to happen. We still send our kids to school. (Although I feel gun deaths in the U.S. are out of control…yet we could control…yet we don’t. Because our heads are up our asses, and our society is so fucking warped that a major university paid Snooki MORE money to speak to their students, than they did to a Nobel and Pulitzer Prize winning author, and recent receiver of The Presidential Medal of Freedom, Toni Morrison.)


I asked Mrs. Anderson what she will do if Rutgers decides to go ahead with the trip?
“Well, if I decide to pull the plug, my son will be pretty upset with me. But I may have to play The Mommy Card.
My personal note to all of the students: Please don’t be mad at your folks. They love you. This next month will be hell for them every day, worrying about you! You are young. You can always go later. (And maybe Snooki can come, too!)

OMG! Jon Stewart wants me on his show?!

Saturday afternoon I was hanging out at home, chilling before my performance in Tucson. I get a friend request from Jon Stewart. Yeah, right. The Jon Stewart? I clicked on Jon, and it went to what appeared to be an official Facebook page, where you could just “like” the page, which I believe I had liked over a year ago.


This was the actual photo on the conversation, and when I clicked on it…it went to what looks like an official page.



And the photo of Jon corresponded to the same exact photo of him on the site, that is liked by 24k people. That’s not a lot for Jon….nevertheless, about an hour after accepting his friend request, I wrote a private message. It began with referring to whomever this was as Santa….because if this was really Jon Stewart, it would be a dream come true for me! I have watched all of his shows since day one. In my “Tea Bag Party People” video, I hold up a sign saying “I heart Jon Stewart”. He is in another video of mine when I interview Neil Degrasse Tyson, who has been a guest on his show, numerous times. I’ve been racking my brain, trying to figure out how I can get my book to him…I met him years ago in Austin on a movie set, where we were both filming different things. When I met Springsteen for the first time, my opening line to him was, “I am so jealous that you met Jon Stewart! He has presidents and world leaders on his show and maintains his cool, but when he had you on, he acted like a giddy school girl!” I’ve been in the audience on his show. I have his book…let’s just say I am a fan.


Ummm, is this really Santa?
17 minutes ago
yes it is me
Santa?! Am I your favorite Jew on your list!!??
Thank you for liking my page , Support you showered on me, I hope you never stop watching my movies and shows and reading my books…
ok. Prove it’s you. I met you in Texas on a film set….you were sitting with Bebe Neuwirth. What town were you in?
you tell me what town you met me ?
nope. not the right answer. Shoudn’t pull on my strings that way. Jon is my hero, Santa.
you don’t know the town you met me what a pity
I do. I’ve met Jon Stewart twice. But I have not met you. But thanks for makikng me think for a split second that just maybe this was legit. Peace. Have your people call my people.
what do you mean this is legit
duh. You are not Jon.
Gotta go. I have a date with Colbert now
i am jon
ok. What was the name of the Rabbi who circumsized you?
and what town do you live in the Shore?

Message cannot be sent based on either the receivers’ privacy settings or yours.

See you in Red Bank.

Message cannot be sent based on either the receivers’ privacy settings or yours.

I was obviously testing him to see if it was really him. After the circumcised statement, I was blocked. So, there are three possibilities.
1) The Daily Show has a staff that is reaching out to people who have liked the page, randomly.
2) I was actually speaking with Jon Stewart, who had nothing better to do, and he found my circumcision question offensive, or put his nose up, because I spelled it, and a few other words, incorrectly. (There should be a “z”in it…I hate spelling.)
3) It was some asshole, pretending to be Stewart.  (Perhaps Fox News strategizing to alienate his fans.)
If it’s number one, that is very lame, and most likely not the case. First of all, the page only has 24 thousand likes. Stewart should have millions.
Secondly, a marketing ploy to boost support for show and products? If that was the strategy….lame.
If it’s number two, well….it can’t be. Jon has a great sense of humor. So, I would think his responses would be more clever.
If it’s the third, you suck….pretending troll.
I think there should be some law that does not allow anyone to pretend they are just anyone on the internet. It’s out of control.
But I let it get to me! You know, that little part of you that hopes something is true. These hopes are what pariah prey upon. When people get things in the mail that are too good to be true, some dreamers go for it. They get swindled out of something by the lowlifes who take advantage of their naiveté.
But I. Let. It. Get. To. Me.
I was in a shitty mood after being blocked, (just in case it was really Jon, and I blew my big chance to get him my book…so he would have me on the show, because my story is just so awesome that he couldn’t resist.) And I actually took the energy to go over what I could have said instead…to test if it was really him, like, why are you writing me? (Like he knew about my videos, that I owned his book, rave about him all the time, etc.) Or, when is your documentary coming out? Or, what’s the name of the toy store where you hang out in Red Bank…with Bruce Springsteen? Or, how cool is Neil Degrasse Tyson?
I couldn’t snap out of it, and it affected my performance that night. I was mad at myself for not being able to just shake it off.
Then last night, I watched the show, but was slightly bitter, just in case it was his people…
Then this morning, I went back to our conversation on facebook, and all of his comments had been removed, and marked as spam. Being the pessimist that I am, I was glad I had taken a picture, and made a copy of my alleged conversation with my hero.
This message is no longer available because it was identified as abusive or marked as spam.
Anyway, Jon, the real Jon Stewart, if you happen to read this blog, I’m quite sure this douche bag was not you. And I hope you do reach out to me someday soon, so we can chat, and maybe you can read my book, and have me on your show.
NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON FOR PRESIDENT – LINDA CHORNEY’S DREAM 1  (My moronic interview with a genius)
Just in case you want more Neil….PART II…
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”//” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen>

Monica. Part II. The U.S. Empathy.

Hi Monica,

Me, again. I have appointed myself the U.S. Embassador to the The U.S. Empathy. Seems like not a lot of people are knocking on the door to come in. I feel a bit discouraged.

As you know, in my first letter to you, I expressed my little pep-talk. One to encourage you to be brave enough to tell the real story, your real story. I was under the impression that people would want to know the truth from your perspective.

I mostly got smart ass, sexually inuendoed cheap shots. I can’t even imagine what you have gone through. (And I am also empathetic to Hillary.)

But the lack of humble understanding, blew my mind.

Jeez, how many women have been used? How many girls believed someone loved them in high school, or college, and then slept with that person, only to find out the guy’s goal was to only get into their pants. And then, to top that off, they told their buddies on the football team, and all of a sudden, even though he was the only person you slept with, you are now easy. With a scarlet letter on your team jacket. “Slut”. (Feel free to create a significance to the S and the C)

Girl next door gets her first lesson when a guy lies to her in order to get into her pants.

Girl next door gets her most valuable lesson when a guy lies to her to get into her pants.

(No offense to the beautiful young lady I found on google images. You just happen to have an “S” on the jacket)


But in your situation, it wasn’t just the campus that knew…the entire planet found out!

You would think people evolve, grow-up. Not judge. Get off their fucking high horses of perfection, and get down to earth with some compassion. And certainly get past the double standard. Men are the whores who pray upon most women’s hearts. Using love.

Anyway, I’m not saying that Bill didn’t love you. He may have…

I’m just saying that I am disappointed that I have not found many people with empathy for you, here in the U.S.

In other countries, they laugh at our puritan bullshit.

I’m shaking my head this morning, and will laugh later.

I think you should still write the book, and we should still make that movie!


The U.S. Embassador of the Republic of Empathy.


Dear Monica Lewinsky, you have a story to tell. Own it!

Dear Monica,

Hi. Allow me to introduce myself. If I may be so bold to give you some advice, here are my thoughts. And please do read my tone with all sincerity, and zero snarkiness.

Your’s is not just a story of scandal. This is not just a story of a President…who screwed one of his interns. This in not just a story about Bill Clinton. I don’t feel this was a forced strategy, put upon you, because Hillary is running. This is your story.

I want to know what it was/is like to have been a twenty-four year old girl, with a mad crush on a very charismatic President of the United States of America. And then to get the notch on the belt for having an affair with the most powerful man in the world…and having the entire world find out about it? Do tell!

You weren’t just balled, you were blackballed. I know what that’s like….being blackballed. And to be honest, (I know no other tact), if I were twenty-four years old, and there was a mutual crush with the President of the United States…and he was Bill Clinton, who personally, I find very sexy, I would have done the same thing. Maybe my response would have been different to the press. But, maybe at age twenty-four, I hadn’t that confidence yet. But certainly by age forty, my confidence would boast about it!

Fuck morals, and judgemental nobodies, by the way. I’ve had an affair. It was one of the greatest, hottest experiences of my life. We loved each other. I don’t regret it for a second. And every second I was with him, was euphoric. Spectacular sex that I will recall with a smile on my face, all the way to my grave. Do I regret hurting anyone? Of course. (However, I told the truth to my husband, at the time….umm…we got divorced.) Most people who have affairs, from a woman’s point of view, are no longer in love with their husbands. And you weren’t even married, anyway. Bill did the boo boo. Men, on the other hand, (I think) can love more than one woman at the same time. (Gentlemen, correct me if I’m wrong.)

Then there is that complication of children. I didnt have any. I can take a wild guess that Bill has had many affairs, and probably cares deeply for his wife and daughter, but maybe Hillary and he are just best friends at this point in their lives. But so what? Lots of marriages are like that. He just happened to be POTUS, and his wife might be one, too!  Many Presidents have had affairs. Most men in power do. Most professional athletes do. Most famous actors do…and even the not so famous. Most high level executives do. Most. Men. Do.

 I think there is a double standard.  Women need to grow balls about owning it.

I say, if you’re going to have an affair, and get crushed anyway, might as well do the Pres! And then write a friggin’ book!



I’m a little disappointed that you sold yourself short with an “essay,”  rather than a full-blown (pun intended) book! I’m not just talking about the graphic details of sex. I’m talking about emotion. And how you handled, or didn’t handle it. It’s a fucking movie! If you are completely honest, it would be most compelling.

Act I – The Crush. (And a bit of childhood background of YOU)

Act II – The Affair

Act III – Getting Caught & Life Afterwards for YOU

I. Smell. Oscar.

I googled, “Does Monica Lewinsky have a book?” And all that I found was a book on Amazon written by an “Andrew Morton,” entitled, Monica’s Story. 

So, I read a quote from your Vanity Fair “Essay.”

“I myself, deeply regret what happened between me and President Clinton. Let me say it again. I. Deeply. Regret. What. Happened.”

I think it would be fascinating to know in detail, why you regret it. What do you not regret?

What the fuck did happen? If you are going to spill some beans, do it yourself! Why sell out to a magazine?! Why not write your own book? Take control. Do not let ANYONE intimidate you. Did you consider writing one? (Or have you already, and I am just talking out of my behind?) Were you blackballed in the publishing industry, too?  Did you have a planted publicist to fuck with your head? They can be pretty evil, ruthless, and out for themselves over the best interest of their clients. I’m sure your well being was not on the top of the priority list of those in charge of our country when they put this thing to bed. (oops…)

Your parents and family have already been put through the ringer. And I am sorry about that. But the damage is done. (Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Lewinsky. I bet you are unconditionally loving parents.) Shit happens.

In your essay, it also states that you are having difficulty finding employment, even now, because of your past. Create your own position! You don’t need a job. You have a story to tell.  

I am quite sure there are many people, besides me, that have compassion for your situation, or just want to know the truth…if you tell it. In your words. No editors, uninterrupted. Take control of your story! The whole story. I am rooting you on!

I cannot imagine how difficult it was for you to be the brunt of many jokes…on, or off, tv. The bullying. Making fun of your weight. Cruel, ridiculous.

Look them in the face. And laugh. Fuck ’em all. (Figuratively, of course.)

And were you in love? Do you think Bill loved you? Besides the scandal, you must have been heartbroken. How did you get through it all? It must have hurt. How badly did it hurt? What was worse, the heartbreak pain, or the embarrassment? How badly does it still hurt?  I’ve wanted to die after loving with all of my being, and then being dumped. But I got over it. And write songs!

Of course, it is your prerogative to not share any of this. But the point is, you already have, by writing this “essay” for Vanity Fair. Think bigger. You have a story to tell!

In Wikipedia you are quoted as saying:

The affair led to pop culture celebrity for Lewinsky as she became the focus of a political storm. In 1999, Lewinsky declined to sign an autograph in an airport, saying, “I’m kind of known for something that’s not so great to be known for.”

Fuck that! You didn’t kill anyone!   You   fell    in    love.  Go out there and tell your story, woman! Profit from the bullshit you went through just because you are female. (A female that had sex with POTUS, which resulted in his impeachment. Minor details.) You are woman, let’s hear you roar! You fucked Bill Clinton! (Or had relations) How cool is that? Tell all! And own it! How about a book on tape!? Does the Secret Service have a gag on you? Tell it like it is. Show off your notch. Embrace what happened, and make the best of it. Take your folks to the Oscars, when we win “Best Screenplay” for the next “Best Picture”.  And I’ll do the soundtrack, too!



MONSANTO, “Killing us Softly” with their poison. Boycott the scumbags.

Today is the first day to my healthier life. GMO’s have scared the crap out of me, now that I know more. The problem is, most of us do not. We don’t understand how the shit Monsanto is putting in OUR food is “killing us softly”. But they do. And they profit.

And so does our government, yet they don’t seem motivated to do a fucking thing about it. Perhaps some do, but those with louder wallets, are able to hush the harsh reality.

Bottom line:  Below are the companies that use Monsanto GMO products. I will no longer use their products, although it will be difficult to give up some of my favorite addictions. (Like Kellogg Frosted Flakes) Sorry Tony. We’ve had some wonderful times, but you’re not so Grrrrrreat anymore. Me and my banana will miss you, terribly. They put shit on your tank.


The list reproduced above purportedly details a wealth of food-related companies or brands supposedly owned by Monsanto, the multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation. In fact, Monsanto doesn’t own the listed companies; this item appears to be an attempt to compile a list of companies selling food items that make use of products developed by Monsanto (such as artificial sweeteners or agricultural products derived from genetically engineered seed). 





Yikes! That’s just about everything in my pantry. Spring cleaning. What really sucks is that avoiding these companies’ products will cost a shitload of money in groceries. They attract us with “deals”. Sugar Pops for $1.99? I slay that special. Buy them by the six-pack. One of my favorite go-to snacks on the couch is my beloved cereal from the box. I even put it in one of my albums!! No kidding!

Lyrics to "Living Alone": "Eating Cereal from a box without a care."

Lyrics to “Living Alone”:
“Eating Cereal from a box without a care.”


That’s right. It’s even in my lyrics to the song I broke the top 40 with, 14 years ago, when cereal was cereal! On my “Racing with Reality” CD. Above is a page from the insert.

How ironic are my lyrics?  Eating cereal from a box without a care….?!!

I care now. I have to. Everything has changed. (Like that huge TV I am watching. No flat screen? Just flat boobs.)

In that particular photo, I am eating Golden Grahams. My fav! (I’m hanging my head for a moment of silence, as I give them up.)

Damn you Koch Brothers! (Imagine me saying that like Charlton Heston did, when he discovered that “They finally did it”. (Planet of the Apes is one of my favorite all time movies that I can watch on my couch eating cereal. AHHHHHHH!)

"They finally did it. DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU TO HELL!"

“They finally did it. DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU TO HELL!”

But this will snap me out of my remorse:


These are actual rats that have been fed the corn they use in cereal chalked with 12 essential vitamins and minerals?  No. Choked with GMO’s that will give you fucking cancer.

Look at these poor animals!

The results of GMO's on RATS! (I know who the real rats are)

The results of GMO’s on RATS! (I know who the real rats are)


Anyway, how can we mere mortals have a voice against the evil empire of our country? We have to stick together. We have to be educated. (So please do share this?)

Right now in Washington, they are voting whether or not these scumbags need to even tell us what they are putting in the food they sell us!

And I bet they will get their way.


I am starting my own little revolution. I hope you join me. Let’s boycott the motherfuckers. Cash in your stock now, if you own any in the companies above. Stop buying from those companies. And I am sorry for all of those employed by the Evil Empire. Maybe if we force our “Corporations” to produce healthier food, the costs will go down at Whole Foods, where my eyeballs pop out of my head when the bill comes for a small bag of groceries. And you can get a job at a competitive healthy company.

This is no joke, folks. I wish it were. I want my cereal!

But I don’t want my Lucky Charms to have it’s newest marshmallow shaped like a tumor. They’re magically suspicious.

And that photo of Chuck might not be so far fetched for our future.



Washington is so fucking corrupt. It’s all about money, greed, and power. No one gives a shit about PEOPLE anymore! How do you all sleep at night? Oh, wait. I know. In your million thread count Egyptian cotton sheets, some wine you’ve been bribed with, and an endless supply of ambien from your favorite pharmaceutical lobbyist up your stinky ass.

What has set me off this morning? Besides waking up to discover I now have balls from eating too many unrevealed GMO’s? They are hanging from my clit! It’s crazy. (I searched google image, and couldn’t find any pictures. And I’m too shy to take photo of my own.)

But in addition to that, I received a petition to sign, to fight Monsanto’s right to NOT label products with GMO’s. I didn’t even know what the fuck a GMO was, until my enlightened, hippy nutritionist sister told me. I love my fucking Log Cabin syrup, and she gives me shit every time I use it!  The corn syrup used in it, is most likely made of modified corn used in experiment below with the rats. (Although I was brought up in New England, for some reason, my palate longs for Log Cabin, VS real Vermont Made Maple syrup.)

Here is the link to the petition from Credo:


Please feel free to sign it, although I don’t think it will do any good. I don’t trust shit in Washington, anymore.

Let’s look at the healthcare bill, although it provided many individuals with Medicaid, guess who it provided more to? THE FUCKING INSURANCE COMPANIES! Blue Cross Blue Shield licked Obama’s Blue Balls and all of Congress’s vaginas, to arrange this bullshit. I thought the objective was to bring down the cost of healthcare for Americans. To stop being raped by insurance companies with astronomical profits. Not jack up the cost for most people, resulting in insurance companies fucking us even more! I am very disappointed in Obama. There. I said it. Obama is about as liberal as Reagan.

And the Koch brothers and Monsanto are doing their best to make us sicker, so we have to go to the hospital. Why do you think so many people are getting cancer, and so little has been done about it?

MONEY. And they just laugh at people like us who care. They fucking laugh. They. don’t. give. a. shit.



So Representative Mike Pompeo’s number one contributor is…The Koch Brothers. He has brought a bill to the table that would allow companies to NOT disclose what they are doing to the food you put into your bodies. W.T.F?  Here is a link to a very well written article about Monsanto, without any fucks in it.

The results of GMO's on RATS! (I know who the real rats are)

The cancerous tumor results of GMO’s on RATS! (I know who the real rats are.) Poor little creatures. This made me ill.                                  (Maybe those aren’t balls hanging from my clit…maybe the are tumors?)

So who is Credo? Are they corrupt? Not from the research I have done: (Googled them – and Wiki’d their asses. I’m a regular Dickless Tracy)

CREDO History

Working Assets was established in 1985 in San Francisco as a business that would use its revenues to fund progressive social change work. Working Assets was founded to give people an easy way to make a difference in the world just by doing things they do every day. Each time their members use one of its services—mobile, long distance or credit card—they automatically send a donation to progressive nonprofit groups. To date they’ve raised more than $76 million for groups like Planned Parenthood, Rainforest Action Network and Oxfam America.

Well, that’s pretty cool. But raising 76 million? 76 Million is what the Koch brothers spend for their 1 Billion thread count Egyptian cotton sheets.

We cannot compete with the money these people have, and their influence over Washington.  (And I also, honestly, doubt many “non-profits”. Many of their CEO’s and top staff make BIG BUCKS.)

My shit list:




ALL PHARMACEUTICAL  COMPANIES  (The worst part is that it is so difficult to even spell the word pharmaceutical. Thank goodness for spell check.)

CORPORATIONS SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO CONTRIBUTE  TO WASHINGTON. PERIOD. Of course, who votes on those decisions? More corrupt motherfuckers in D.C. So, naturally, the bill to stop it, did not pass. And I’m sure Monsanto will get their way, too.

Everyone’s balls will be Genetically Modified Organisms. And those balls in Washington are too big to fail.

So here’s my official FUCK YOU of the day to….I don’t know. You pick. Too many to choose from.

But Koch Brothers can still suck mine.






I am really not using the 1 year anniversary of the Boston Bombing as an excuse, or platform to push my beliefs. It’s just what I can’t get out of my head. What I still can’t comprehend. Sorry.

After a brilliant eclipse of the moon last night, which I am sure some will explain as God’s work, I woke this morning remembering the tragedy in Boston. (Like just about everyone else.)

Yesterday I woke to a new tragedy in Kansas City, where three innocent people were gunned down by a lunatic idiot, and 72 people were killed by a bomb in Nigeria.

Every loss of life is equal and tragic. (Except for the fucking dinglenut assholes who cause them. Let them die and suffer.)

Of course it is much harder to see when a young person is robbed of life, like Martin Richards. (The 8 year old boy who lost his life in the Boston Marathon.)

As humans, as it turns out, we feel.

I felt so much anguish over this total unnecessary loss, that I wrote a song for Martin….called “Martin”. This blog is also not a launching pad to share my song.

And if I wrote a song over every violent act and death, my albums would be almost as depressing as they are already from break-ups.  (too soon?)

Back to my title.

How do people still believe in God after events like Boston Bombing, 911, and the Holocaust?

Yeah, yeah, “faith”.

Well, I don’t have any.

You know what I believe in?  The goodness of PEOPLE. (Yeah, yeah, made in “God’s image”)

God’s image, my ass. If that is the case, no wonder we are a violent society, full of psychopaths. According to the bible, (Oh shit. I forgot to capitalize bible. Watch out for the lightening…pause…I’m still here!) God has done some pretty, pretty fucked-up things that I wouldn’t want written about me.

Again, I’m not trying to preach here. This morning my objective was to pay my respects, once again, to the families of those who lost their loved ones, or suffered during the Boston Marathon. I am so sorry this happened to you and our city. (I grew up there.)

Last night when I looked at that spectacular eclipse, I wasn’t thinking “Wow, this is another one of God’s creations.” I was thinking, it totally sucks that Martin Richards will never get to see this.

Given to Martin's family from me, all of those people who downloaded my song, "Martin", and painted by David Wells Roth..a person.

Given to Martin’s family from me, all of those people who downloaded my song, “Martin”, and David Wells Roth..a person, and the painter…who’s sister was murdered by a bat shit crazy fuckface in the woods of New Hampshire, years ago.

Anyone can write a puff piece to make everyone feel all warm and sentimental with beautiful stories. And there are many.

What’s my point?

When are people going to just believe in themselves enough where they don’t need the crutch of believing in a God? (Yeah, yeah, your God…the only one.  Oh! And your’s, too. How silly of me.)

MY heart goes out to all of the victims. MY love is felt for them, and the world. MY actions try to make a difference.

I read a post, ironically, this morning, from someone I wrote about this week, Clarence Clemons, III.

It read, “Where is God when you need him?”

My response? “We are our own gods. We are all are own universe. It’s within you to have the power you seek.”


I’m not trying to be Yoda, or anything. It’s just my opinion. And there were tons of Godish Pep talk comments, and quotes from the Bible. (I’m not trying to be disrespectful when I roll my eyeballs. Did God make me do that?)  I’m hearing Geraldine, AKA Flip Wilson, in my head, from Laugh-In. “The devil made me do it”….question mark.

"The Devil made me do it."

“The Devil made me do it.”

I understand when people feel so low, they feel they have nowhere to turn, so they do the S.O.P.

But, the S.O.P, “It’s all in God’s plan…everything happens for a reason”, is complete bullshit.

Shit happens for NO REASON…other than the reason that some people are totally fucked in the head, and do really stupid things. (i.e., God is stupid, if man is made in his image.) (At least women aren’t!)

Those kids were fucking stupid who planted the bomb in Boston a year ago. And Idiots who strap bombs to their bodies in the name of God are fucking morons. And people who try to wipe out an entire race are evil.

Of course I grew up believing in God, because that is what I was taught. But as early as my twenties, I said, “Hold the Bus” when I was not comprehending the day-to-day tragedies I’d hear about on the News.

I guess….I resent religion. I think it fucks up the world. Yeah, yeah, religious organizations do really good things. No. PEOPLE DO GOOD THINGS.

Thank you, people. Thank you, nature. Thank you, the tangible. (I couldn’t actually touch the moon last night, but I saw it, and it touched me!) And MY heart goes out to Boston today, and to all people who could not see this moon, because their lives were robbed by stupid people.  (My heart, along with “prayers”,  won’t bring them back. How’s that for a puff piece?)






YOU CAN CARRY A GUN, BUT YOU CAN’T CARRY A BEER? “The Cantina” My newest song!

You heard right. That’s the law in Arizona, and the motivation for writing “The Cantina”. And now my vision is coming to life for the song!! What a blast…and a lot of work.

TIME: High Noon Sunday

I am so excited that I am going out of my tree! Today is the beginning of the project! I am anxiously waiting for the Mariachi band to show up at my house! I’m serving bagels and….salsa?

Mariachi Sol Azteca is coming to rehearse, with full costume for a photo shoot, going in Zocalo Magazine! I cannot thank them enough for stepping up to the plate to keep me within my budget. So this is phase 1. (And of course, thank Zocalo Magazine for covering my book and the song!)

Phase 2 will be rehearsing with the “cowboys”. This song will cross over between 2 musical cultures that are very prominent in Arizona. It’s a new venture for me. Out of my tree!

Now I must prepare the brunch. Musicians love to eat!

TIME: Sundown Sunday

My mouth still hurts from smiling! We were given a private serenade in our backyard, by the most charming Mariachis! This is just half of the band, but Mariachi Sol Azteca are full of personality and talent. I feel so lucky that Maria Powell introduced us.

They showed up in 3 cars and a Harley. We did a rehearsal. And I cannot wait to lay down the tracks! Phase 1 is complete! Very special thanks to band leader, Angel Guzman.

(From L to R)  Me, Jessie Rojas, Angel Durran, Ramon Munoz, Chris Barr, Many Celaya

(From L to R) Me, Jessie Rojas, Angel Durran, Ramon Munoz, Chris Barr, Many Celaya


Sneak Preview!


Next step, lead guitarist, Michael P. Nordberg

Michael P. Nordberg Lead Guitar

Michael P. Nordberg
Lead Guitar

And bassist, Phillip Anderson, rehearsal.

Phillip ANderson

Professor Phillip Anderson on da bass

Recording on April 27-28-29th, with Engineer/co-producer, Brian Phillips. My right hand man for “Martin” in Boston. He’s flying in from L.A.

Then meeting with film director Harry Findysz!

After that, meeting with Bona Fide Stunt Man, leading man in video, James Lovin!

My leading Stunt Muffin! JAMES LOVIN

My leading Stunt Muffin! JAMES LOVIN

He’s gonna fall for me!



I hope y’all fall for the song! Come see me perform it live at Tucson Folk Festival, La Cucina, on May 3rd, and May 10th at Hacienda Del Sol. Perhaps with surprise guests!


Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Terrorist Attack or Media Terrorizing Gutter Clowns?

This morning I read the most logical explanation, based on fact & experience, verses fear & stupidity, for the crashing of Malaysia Airlines flight 370. It was written by a pilot.  The article was published by “Wired”.

After watching several News Reports, my big inexperienced question was:

What does “All right, good night” mean?

Is it something normal to say? It could be. Or maybe it means, I’m taking down this plane. I’m a psychopath.

According to the article I read, which is totally worth your time, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, the pilot, had 18,000 hours of experience. And in a nutshell, the plane encountered an electrical fire, or a fire due to a tire that caught a slow burn on take-off from a blow-out. There was no communication, because the fire caused all communication to malfunction. And the most logical, responsible thing to do when this occurs, is to get to the closest airport. Get. On. The. Ground. When the plane made an erratic left-hand turn, it was heading to the closest airport…and it did not make it.

1) My condolences to all of the families who lost loved ones.

2) CNN, and all made for TV media…you are fucking ass clowns. I would expect such inept professionalism from FOX News, but from respectable networks? Have they disappeared into thin air, like the flight? As soon as the quote was reported, “All right, good night”, any moron would have had the same question as I had. Is that a normal thing to say?

It should have been followed with the simple responsible statementWe spoke with several pilots, and they confirm that there is nothing abnormal about that statement. Thus, there are no red flags there.  Rather than doing that, you paint the pilot as a potential terrorist, or suicidal whack job. You purposely plant doubt and paranoia. Hence, the title of my blog…YOU are terrorists, terrorising the public, and especially the family of the pilot, who most likely did his best to save everyone on board. And you do it for…$$$. The more you milk this tragedy, the more viewers you get. Shame on you all.

3) My conspiracy theory: Is it possible that Malaysia Airlines figured out there was a fire, perhaps due to malfunction in the aircraft, or the tire blew because there was not enough air put into it, thus, leaving the airline responsible for the deaths of 239 people? That would cost a lot of Ringgit.$$$

4) Non-conspiracy theory:  Shit happens.

This is CNN reporting from the gutter. Tune in for more trash.

This is CNN reporting from the gutter. Tune in for more trash.

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May 2024