
Linda Chorney – Lesbian Asshole that knows Bruce Springsteen

Okay, this just keeps getting more hilarious by the minute!  Just for curiosity, lately on my blog stats, I have been checking out the search engines that led some folks to the blog.

Here are the TOP 14 amusing, diverse, and unusual search engines that led to Linda Chorney Blog…

Sorry, I could not narrow it down to 10, just like I could not narrow down the number of songs on EMOTIONAL JUKEBOX, hence the double album.

14.  Linda Chorney Bruce Springsteen…(not funny – but helped contribute to the catchy title here, just incase anyone actually searches for Linda Chorney Lesbian Asshole that knows Bruce Springsteen!  And I don’t really know him.  Just shared venues.)

13.   Tom Hanks Bosom Buddies  (Loved that show!)  (If Tom Hanks started on that show, and then became a multi-Oscar winning actor, I might have a shot at the Grammy!)

12.  Cat Sandwich  (cat has my tongue on this one)  (Sorry that was so reaching.)

11.  Linda Chorney, If I Only Had a Dick   (The schlong song will rise again after Feb 12th!)

10.  The Great Pacific Garbage Dump  (very sad, did a blog on the pollution.)

9.  Choral Group Grammy Nomination Voting Chorney  (That would be nice!)

8.  What is Paul McCartney‘s address  (Do you think McCartney has any stalkers?  Yikes!  FYI, being a celeb is not all it’s cracked up to be…I’ve learned that really quickly.  The Evelyn Wood Speed Celeb Crash Course!)

7.  Italian Toilet  (You do not want to go there….really, what is up with the holes in the ground? Mama Mia!)

6.  Girls Kissing Boobs  (I am quite sure I do not have anything on this subject matter in my blogs, yet, so baffled that it led anyone here.)

5.  Caesar and Cornelia, Planet of the Apes  (One of my top 10 favorite movies of all time! Thus, I blogged about it, and the remake.  IT’S A MAD HOUSE!  A MAD HOUSE!)

4.  Red Sox Fan Beatings  (I think I am one of them)

3.  Shut up and sing Springsteen  (I, unlike many, like to hear him speak.  I like his politics.)
2.  Lesbian Linda Chorney   (Not that there’s anything wrong with that…which brings us back to the cat sandwich…)

And the number 1 most amusing, diverse and unusual search engines that led to my blog….(drum Roll)

1.  Linda Chorney Ass Hole

Paul Schaefer, hit it!  Ya think David Letterman will use this on his show?  (Now I just stuck his name in, just in case someone searches him and finds my blog!)

4 Responses to “Linda Chorney – Lesbian Asshole that knows Bruce Springsteen”

  1. January 7, 2012 at 11:23 AM

    But as Paul said in Spinal Tap as Artie Fufkin…Record company promo man extraordinaire!!! Kick Me, just Kick me!!

  2. January 7, 2012 at 11:33 AM

    ne ingrediens bastardnis–don’t let the bastards grind you down…..

  3. 3 Summer Said
    January 7, 2012 at 2:18 PM

    Oh my god this is hysterical. I thought about posting the search terms to my blog too, but why give these morons any ammunition. Too damn funny. I like to write a blog post in answer to the ridiculous terms. In some cases, I actually can figure out the culprit. Have fun with this girl. It’s fodder for more great material. Peace.

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Linda Chorney

All things that are CHORNEY

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January 2012