Posts Tagged ‘I Dream of Jeannie





As a finale to my first season, I am proud to present

a mini video series of one of my heroes –


This is the length of an actual t.v. show!

Hard to edit such an outstanding individual.

So indulge when you have the time.


Especially if you are a fan of

Neil DeGrasse Tyson!

And If you don’t know who he is…

You should! Now’s your chance!

If you are a Geek of Science!

Or a fan of Old Sci-Fi Television Shows!

Don’t miss an episode!

It’s taken me a month to put together!




Neil For President!

~Dream 1~

This blog Series is sponsored by: Babes In Space!


(I threw in Barbara Eden, because Neil qualifies her as being married to an Astronaut…it counts…if Neil says so!)

You guys might recognize Neil DeGrasse Tyson as a guest on The Daily Show.

(Hip Hip Hooray! Jon just won Emmy Awards 9 years in a row tonight!)

Or The Colbert Report, or

Real Time with Bill Maher.

(Below is a great quote from Maher, taken from clip of my “Tea Bag Party” video…(But enough about me!) (And Bill just trumped that quote with his hilarious response to Bachmann and Palin when referred to as “MILFS” – “Morons I’d Like to Forget.”) (But enough about him.)

You may also recognize Dr. Tyson from the Post Office’s “Most Wanted” poster for killing Pluto!

(Watch this clip! It’s awesome!)

Regardless of murdering Pluto, Neil’s popularity has grown so much that he has his own hip radio show, too. Star Talk Radio!

Neil puts the “Rock” in Rocket! The astrophysicist gives “star” a literal meaning in his Rock Star status!

And who would have imagined talk shows featuring guests that actually make you think? That you can learn from! And be entertained at the same time!

I want to personally thank my favorite, brilliant, hysterical hosts for having these shows to preserve what sanity I have left, while exposing these amazing minds to mainstream television.

Featuring intellects and politicians (not always synonymous, in fact, frequently oxymoronic), have become massively popular!

If you don’t know this favorite guest of many, you are missing out!

But whether you know him or not, here, in this blog, you can see another dimension of the Sex Symbol of Science!

Damn! If he had been my professor in school, I would have rushed to class. (Then maybe I wouldn’t have dropped out!)

I predict that Neil will be added to the next updated school History and Science books! (In the States that actually print fact. I guess Texas is out.)

Mighty Tyson’s personality is as bright as his brain! His enthusiasm, and conviction are heart-felt and inspiring.

I found that out the first time I met Dr. Tyson, several years ago, before he became a 21st Century Rock Star.

He kind of reminds me of my Dad, who has his Ph.D. from M.I.T. in E.E. (That sure is a mouth full of letters!) (None of which I posses…Mailman?)

Despite the genius stats, they are both very charming and funny!

Neil’s latest television appearance was on “Real Time”, August 5th, 2011.

(If you have HBO, check it out!…it’s too bad we all have to pay to see programs that drop “F” bombs….but my blog is free!)

After watching Neil DeGrasse Tyson on Bill Maher, I realized that he’s not only a Rockin’ Scientist! He could run our friggin’ country; fix our economy, and bring up the GPA of the next, “Next Generation”.

Neil for President, 2012!!!

Of course, running the country with logic seems to be a stretch even more so these days.

And the audience of Stewart, Colbert, Maher, and me, are usually all on the same team. It’s not as if we are enlightening anyone from La La Land with an associate’s degree from FOX Community College. They don’t watch these “Liberal, Elitist, Commi-Socialist” programs.

The panel consisted of a Tea Bagger, A smart woman, some wicked funny guy, and The Tysmeyster.

The audience ate Neil up! He was the DH of the panel.

In short, every time Neil came to the plate…BAMM!


I was cheering as if it was the World Series of ’75, Game 6, when Carlton Fisk hit that historical homer!

I felt every word! I wanted to join in! If I could only get a chance to speak with him again!! But he’s too famous now.

I couldn’t stop thinking about The Mighty Tyson!

Tossing and turning…”Oh, if I only had my own show! And I could have Neil on as a guest! He says what I sing! I could ask him riveting questions!”

I finally fell asleep and had this wild dream……

This portion of my dream is sponsored by Uranus!

The next portion of my dream will be sponsored by Urethra!

…meanwhile, after sleepwalking to the bathroom, the dream continues tomorrow!!

Do you ever have one of those dreams that just goes on and on? The one’s that you WANT to go on? This is one of them!!!

Next, Neil will talk about Star Trek and his radio program “Star Talk Radio” !

You don’t have to have a Ph.d to listen! You don’t even have to be smart. It’s like running for President of the United States…and sometimes even winning! You don’t need to be qualified!

Hmmm. Maybe it’s not just a dream! If I throw on a pair of glasses, I could look Presidential!

I’ve seen who’s running for the next election. With Neil’s looks and my brains! If they can do it, I don’t see why an accomplished Astrophysicist and a University of Miami drop-out Musician can’t!!! (Better have our birth certificates handy!)


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